- app redesign
- app redesign
- app redesign
- app redesign
In my spare time I like to go to the movies with friends. A cinema near where I live is the Hollywood Megaplex. I often book tickets via their app. Unfortunately, I think there is a lot to improve. That's why I redesigned the app. As a product designer I know that it is a big difference to only see a product from the customer side and not to have all the information about the company itself and their processes, etc.
Nevertheless, I think there are a lot of things that need to be improved in the app. For that reason, I wanted to try out my ideas.
© Vanessa Kienast 2020 . kienast.vanessa@gmail.com . Legal Notice
© Vanessa Kienast 2018 . kienast.vanessa@gmail.com . Legal Notice
© Vanessa Kienast 2018 . kienast.vanessa@gmail.com . Legal Notice
© Vanessa Kienast 2018 . kienast.vanessa@gmail.com . Legal Notice